Vinyasa Yoga

Certified yoga teacher McKenzie Payne of Richmond, Virginia will guide you on a fun movement journey that incorporates traditional Ashtanga postures mixed with a modern dance feel that energizes the spirit. The dynamic creative sequences invigorate the mind and body while wringing out stale energy, making space for new found awareness. This class is designed to promote flexibility, mobility, strength and endurance. Expect good tunes and a good time. Not your average yoga practice. All the benefits and no pressure.

People don’t sign up for swimming lessons because they already know how to swim. You don’t need to have practiced yoga before to learn how to do the yoga. We are all beginners, some have just been on their mats longer. NO judgement, NO comparison. See you on your mat!


Pool Training

Led by Coach Daniel, Pool training offers breathwork practices, mindfulness practices, weight training and more. We ask that you know how to swim if signing up for this class. Class is held at a private residence in Hanover, VA. All levels welcome.

**Goggles and athletic swim suite are suggested, bring a towel and plastic/ metal water to class. (No glass by the pool please). The address will be emailed to you upon reservation.


Fire + Cold Water Therapy

Contrast therapy that involves alternating sauna and ice submersion for focus, boosted immunity, reduced inflammation, improved circulation, increased metabolism and mental + physical resilience. This experience offers breath work practices and heat and cold exposure. If you’ve wanted to try an ice bath in Richmond, Virginia, here’s your chance. We make it fun!



An offering to help build new positive pathways in the brain. Backed by science to improve mental and physical well being. No experience necessary. Come as you are.